Social Studies Revision Worksheet (2nd Term)

The City School
PECHS Junior A
Reinforcement worksheet
Subject: Social Studies

Q-1) Fill in the blank space.

a)     Pakistan is our _______________________.

b)    To the South of Pakistan is the ___________________ Sea.

c)     The second highest peak in Pakistan is _________________.

d)    The ___________ River is the most significant river in Pakistan.

e)     Rivers begin at their ___________ , in mountains or hills , where rain water or snow melt collects in lakes and forms tiny streams.

f)      The River Indus forms its ____________ before flowing into the Arabian Sea i.e, it splits up into many branches.

g)     Rivers provide cheap means of _______________.

Q-2)  Name the five rivers of Pakistan. 

Q-3) Answer the following questions.
a)     Differentiate between Valley and Mountain .

b)    State any two benefits of river water ?


Q-4)  State true or false
a.     Pakistan shares border with Australia in East.[T/F]

b.     Siachen Glacier is the world’s second largest glacier.[T/F]

c.      Rivers provide people with water for domestic uses. Industrial use and irrigation purposes .[T/F]

d.     River Indus is the smallest river of Pakistan.[T/F]

e.     Rose is the national flower of Pakistan.[T/F]

f.       Islam is the national religion of Pakistan.[T/F]

g.     The Pakistan Air Force defends the country on land.[T/F]

h.   The chief of Naval Staff is the head of Pakistan Navy.[T/F]

i.      The Parliaments makes new cartoon for country.[T/F]

Q-5)  Write down national symbols of Pakistan.

National Drink

National Language

National Dress

National Currency

National Game


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