THE CITY SCHOOL JUNIOR A, P.E.C.H.S. ISLAMIYAT REINFORCEMENT WORKSHEET # 1 FOR GRADE 3 Q.1 Why was Surah Al-Ikhlas revealed? Q.2 What does Surah Al-Ikhlas declares about Allah? Q.3 What did our Holy Prophet (SAW) say about Surah Al-Ikhlas? Q.4 Can Allah be compared with anyone? Q.5 Which belief is outlined in Surah Al-Ikhlas? Q.6 How many ayahs are there in Surah Al-Ikhlas? Q.7 Is Surah Al-Ikhlas a Makki Surah or Madani? Q.8 According to the Hadith what meaning did our Holy Prophet (SAW) give of faith? Q.9 Why do we recite the 5 th Kalimah? Q.10 For whom does Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) pray for in his prayer? THE CITY SCHOOL JUNIOR A, P.E.C.H.S. ISLAMIYAT REINFORCEMENT WORKSHEET # 2 FOR GRADE 3 Fill in the blanks:- 1. ___________________: He is ____________________ the one and only. 2. He ___________________ not, nor is He ______________________. 3. O my Lord, keep me as _____________________ of prayer and some of my...